Here's just a small sampling of some of my portraiture
One of the things I enjoy most about photography is portraiture. I absolutely love to capture character and expression. Portraiture is capturing the essence and mood of someone at that moment in time. Portraiture may be the best documentary of a person in that moment in time. As humans we can relate to each other just through expression alone. Expression can tell so much about someone and their experience. Our humanity enables most of us to subconsciously read expressions with accuracy.
Emily Anderson
from My early days working with studio lighting under the supervision of my mentor and friend Kris Karl Photography. Kris taught me the fundamental skills in using artificial and controlled lighting within a studio setting. This was my second time using studio lighting and I am very happy with the results from this session. The model Emily was a absolute pleasure to work with.
Carla monico
A natural light Portrait of Carla M. I really enjoy working with natural light and on location. finding a lighting and interesting scenes on location always presents very enjoyable challenges. I always work to try to achieve original and interesting portraits and images of my subjects.
Brian Crick (my Grandad)
The thing I love most about portraiture is capturing the character and memory of a person in a way that I the photographer likes to remember and think of a person. I usually aim to capture the best image that represents that person. for this image of my granddad I really wanted to capture the details in his face and expression in a very dramatic way. I used lighting techniques to capture hard shadows to create more dramatic mood for this image.